Request Form |
Company Safety Profile Request Form
Result Layout |
SAFER Table Layout |
The Company Safety Profile (CSP) contains safety-related information
on an individual Company's operation, including selected items from
inspection reports and crash reports and the results of any reviews
or enforcement actions involving the requested company. For a
more detailed description of the CSP and the information it contains,
please select the CSP Definition Document link shown to the right.
As an aid to performing a successful CSP Request, please select the
CSP Help link shown to the right, particularly if you have not
previously used this service. ProVu is a viewer which allows users
to electronically analyze standard company safety profile
reports. To download this software, select the link shown to the
Profile Request
To obtain a profile, please enter the information requested below.
Please Note:
- There is a $20.00 fee to request a profile. (The charge will appear as
originating from "Computing Technologies, Inc.")
- Check the Company Snapshot file before requesting a profile to
determine how much data FMCSA has on this Company.
- Profiles will be returned to the user's e-mail address within
72 hours.
- Any Company Safety Profile questions should be directed to the
FMCSA Information Line at 1-800-832-5660.
- Enforcement users should use the CSP Request form located on
the SAFER Enforcement page.